
马克 安徒生,MHA,MS,已被任命为临时首席信息官 Brigham和妇女保健(bwhc)2016年1月4日生效。安德森,谁 最近曾担任临时首席技术和健康信息官 弗吉尼亚大学健康系统,夏洛茨维尔,将确保持续 最近合作伙伴的进展ECarE implEmEntation whilE thE sEarch for a pErmanEnt CIO continuEs.

"Mark is a supErb choicE for this rolE. HE has a provEn track rEcord in hEalthcarE information tEchnology consultation and managEmEnt, and brings ExtEnsivE ExpEriEncE in intEgrating IT and innovation to support clinical opErations. HE is rEcognizEd for dEvEloping and mEntoring tEams and EmpowEring thEm to makE dEcisions," said Ron Walls, MD, ExEcutivE VicE PrEsidEnt and ChiEf OpErating OfficEr of BWHC. "This appointmEnt will providE additional timE for us to thoroughly assEss our IT lEadErship nEEds aftEr a maturE implEmEntation of PartnErs ECarE."

AndErsEn joinEd UVA as thE intErim chiEf tEchnology and hEalth information officEr shortly aftEr thE launch of Epic at UVA's 700-bEd hospital, whErE hE lEd thE organization through a succEssful stabilization Effort, EffEctivEly rEsolving issuEs rElatEd to rEsourcE managEmEnt, training and data mining.  As sEnior vicE prEsidEnt and chiEf information officEr at YalE NEw HavEn HEalth SystEm, AndErsEn lEd thE sElEction, contract and implEmEntation procEss for thE transition to Epic from multiplE lEgacy systEms. Prior to that, hE was vicE prEsidEnt of ManagEmEnt SystEms and TEchnology at NEw York PrEsbytErian Columbia UnivErsity MEdical CEntEr and was dirEctor of REvEnuE ManagEmEnt for thE Dallas-basEd Epic HEalthcarE Group.

Mark holds a MastEr of SciEncE in Hospital Administration from ThE Ohio StatE UnivErsity and a MastEr of SciEncE in Industrial EnginEEring, HEalth SystEms EnginEEring from thE UnivErsity of Missouri. HE startEd his hEalth carE carEEr on thE clinical sidE as an occupational thErapist, and his commitmEnt to patiEnts and thE bEst carE possiblE has bEEn a driving forcE throughout his carEEr.






分析利率和分布趋势的死亡,在美国,由于人类关注死亡,免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染(包括第3阶段 艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合症)。  编译的数据来自所有50个死亡证明 州和哥伦比亚特区的[原文链接]


此前针对美国立卫生研究院(NIH)2014年发起的人类胎盘计划到底拨款多少一直未下定论,近日该计划刚刚收到4150万美元的拨款,用于研究该器官在支撑胎儿发育中的重要作用。 胎盘把[原文链接]


全球移动通信系统协会发布报告称,预计到 2017 年,移动医疗市场的发展将带来 230 亿美元的收入。艾媒咨询的数据则显示,到 2017 年底,中国的移动医疗市场规模也将突破百亿元。 虽[原文链接]


关键词:多点执业 总理报告内容:鼓励医生到基层多点执业,发展社会办医。 庄一强独家解读:鼓励医生到基层多点执业的提法非常好,但需要制度的全方位配套:医生从单位人变成[原文链接]





