
免疫系统在阿尔茨海默病中的作用是一个热门话题,但究竟两者是如何连接的,哪些干预措施有助于降低风险 仍然是一个谜。在一项新的研究发表在自然神经科学本周神经系统疾病的神经系统疾病的研究人员 在Brigham和妇女医院(BWH)探讨遗传危险因素对阿尔茨海默病可能影响免疫细胞的关键型。他们的结果 为设计更好的治疗策略和更好的预测阿尔茨海默病风险预测工具打下基础。

“There’s an emerging theme in Alzheimer’s genetics that the immune system may be strongly involved in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease,” said co-corresponding author Philip De Jager,MD,PhD,who directs the Program in Translational NeuroPsychiatric Genomics at the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases at BWH. “Before genetic studies,many thought that inflammation was a symptom of or a reaction to the disease,but our study and others build a compelling case that the immune system may be involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.”

De Jager and his team examined the levels of key proteins in relation to genetic variants that have been implicated in Alzheimer’s disease in the past. The team looked at blood samples from more than 100 younger,healthy subjects as well as 61 older subjects and measured protein levels in monocytes – immune cells that can travel to various sites throughout the body,including the brain where they differentiate into macrophages,specialized for their new environment,in this case the central nervous system.

One of the most intriguing results the team uncovered is connected to TREM2 – a protein that is a major target of Alzheimer’s disease drug development efforts. A previous study of a population in Iceland found that a rare mutation in the gene encoding TREM2 substantially elevated a person’s risk of Alzheimer’s disease. However,it was unclear whether more TREM2 or less TREM2 led to this heightened risk,and follow-up studies in mice have produced conflicting results.

De Jager and his colleagues found evidence that directly addresses this question,determining that higher levels of TREM2 were associated with increased risk. The team found that a genetic variant tied to a separate protein,CD33,also influenced TREM2 levels. The team’s follow-up studies confirmed that the genetic variant led to more CD33,which in turn led to more TREM2. “One interesting note about these protein associations is that we did not observe them at the mRNA level,” said first author Gail Chan,PhD,a research fellow in the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases at BWH. “This emphasizes the amount of inter-regulation that a cell does to balance all of the related molecules in order to function correctly.”

“Up until now,it’s been unclear whether it would be beneficial to increase or decrease TREM2 levels,” said co-corresponding author Elizabeth Bradshaw, PhD,of the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases at BWH. “Further studies are needed to understand the connections we’re uncovering and the roles of these proteins,but we’re clearly seeing evidence that these genetic variants have an effect in this type of immune cell.”

As a next step,Bradshaw,De Jager and their colleagues plan to measure CD33 and TREM2 levels in subjects as part of the Brigham Healthy Aging Project to determine if these measurements and others could be part of a diagnostic panel for predicting risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Funding for this project was provided by the US National Institutes of Health (grants R01 AG036836,R01 AG048015,R01 AG043617,P01 AG036694,P30 AG10161, 179 R01 AG15819,R01 AG17917,and U01 AG46152).

Other researchers who contributed to this work include Charles C. White,Phoebe A. Winn,Maria Cimpean,Joseph M. Replogle,Laura R. Glick,Nicole E. Cuerdon,Katie J. Ryan,Keith A. Johnson,Julie A. Schneider,David A. Bennett,Lori B. Chibnik and Reisa A. Sperling.


Chan et al.,CD33 modulates TREM2: convergence of Alzheimer loci,自然神经科学 (2015),http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nn.4126






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