

PictureAnkit Bharat,MD,胸外科医生和外科主任西北医学®肺移植项目。
芝加哥–;什么时候 哈伦dorbin去世一个月后他成功的一个稀有的感染 肺移植手术的外科医生,他转身dorbin ’的妹妹了 许诺。

“我告诉她我会这样,底”说Ankit Bharat,MD一位胸外科医生和外科主任西北医学与肺移植计划。“这是一个完美的操作,但这种感染引起的氨,一个人不正常的建设;身体不能维持;T。它’罕见但它’几乎总是致命的。没有人知道原因,或是如何预防。这根本是’不接受我。”;

In 2014,t在这里 were about 2,100 lung transplant surgeries in the United States. The ailment Dorbin acquired happens in about four percent of all lung transplant recipients,said Bharat,who is also an assistant professor in thoracic surgery at the 西北大学费因伯格医学院。

After Dorbin’s death,Bharat spent the next several months researching this infection using Dorbin as a case study 和 testing samples from hospitals all over the county,including a donor sample from Loyola Medicine. Through his research he was able to identify a specific bacteria as a cause of this condition 和 also demonstrated that it can be successfully treated with antibiotics. Bharat is lead author of the multi-center study,which was published in 科学转化医学 on April 22,2015.

“认为这种情况是可以治疗的,甚至可以是非常令人兴奋的消息,”Bharat说;. “Further studies need to be done,but this research has already saved other patients. Other centers who had patients with this infection have reached out to us 和 I know of two patients who have recovered because of the antibiotics.”

For seven years,sarcoidosis gradually destroyed Dorbin’s lungs,leading to the need for a double lung transplant surgery in July 2014. Doctors believe sarcoidosis results from the body's immune system responding to an unknown substance,most likely something inhaled from the air. Dorbin,47,spent years working in a factory w在这里 he was exposed to chemicals. Eventually,he was dependent on a wheelchair to get around 和 oxygen to shower,eat 和 sleep. Because of his limitations,Dorbin couldn’t work or leave the house for anything other than doctor appointments at the time of his surgery.

“It was devastating to lose a patient like Harlan,especially after an otherwise perfect transplant procedure,” Bharat said. “But this research 和 these findings would never have been discovered without him. He has helped so many other future lung transplant patients.”


“Words can’t express how happy I was to hear this,” said Crystal Dorbin,who lives in Chicago. “Harlan never let his disease control him. He lived life to the fullest was smiling 和 laughing all the time even though we knew every breath was a struggle. I think he’d be proud to know he was helping other people like him.”

Lungs are one of the most difficult organs to transplant because unlike other organs,lungs are exposed to the external atmospheric elements during normal respiration,leading to possible infection 和 damage. Because timing is so critical,surgeons typically have about six hours to transport lungs from a donor 和 transplant into the recipient. However,for lung transplant patients,their quality of life post-surgery is nothing short of remarkable. More than 80 percent of these patients go from being oxygen dependent to having minimal or no limitations on their physical activity.

Since launching its lung transplant program in May 2014,Northwestern Medicine has completed 12 successful lung transplants.

“For patients with end-stage lung diseases,a lung transplant gives them not only a new set of lungs but a much better quality of life,” saidMalcolm DeCamp,MD, 胸外科手术科主任西北纪念医院西北大学费因伯格医学院. “Northwestern Medicine has a premier lung transplant program because of our outst和ing patient care 和 our clinical trials 和 research which uncover the new 和 life-saving treatments of the future.”

To learn more about the Northwestern Medicine Lung Transplant Program or to schedule an appointment,click在这里或致电312-695-lung。



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