

“I learned about Swim Across America three years ago and was invited to participate on Team SAAVE Tampa Bay。  I was already a swim enthusiast and, given that Moffitt had a role in saving my future husband, I was excited for the opportunity to give back,” said Reynolds。 “Seeing the results of contributions take shape in tangible ways, as it does with the new Swim Across America Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Lounge, energizes us each year and fuels the desire to do more。”

Swim Across America – Tampa Bay is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to raising money for cancer research, prevention and treatment through swimming-related events。 The organization will hold its fourth-annual open-water fundraising swim at 7 a。m。 May 30 at Pier 60 on Clearwater Beach。 Three-time Olympic champion Brooke Bennett will serve as honorary chair。

Over the past three years, the Tampa Bay event has raised $440,000 for metastatic melanoma research and the Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Program at Moffitt。 Just last year the Tampa Bay swim raised $190,000 for Moffitt, and the organization is devoted to exceeding that amount this year。

Swimmers of all ages and skill levels are welcome to participate as fundraisers in the half-mile, 1-mile or the “Iron Man Distance” 2。4-mile course。 To register for the swim or donate, visit SwimAcrossAmerica。org/tampabay。 

关于美国游Swim Across America, Inc。, is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to raising money and awareness for cancer research, prevention and treatment through swimming-related events。 With the help of thousands of volunteers nationwide and past and current Olympians, SAA is helping to find a cure for cancer through athleticism, community outreach and direct service。 Since its inception in 1987, SAA has gone from a single swim in Nantucket, MA, to dozens of events nationwide。 In its 25 years, the organization has raised over $45 million, and continues to ensure that money raised locally, stays local so that all swimmers will know their impact。 To learn more about Swim Across America - Tampa Bay, make a donation, or register to swim or volunteer, visit www。swimacrossamerica。org/TampaBay






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