





M是一个综合的肺癌筛查程序 which includes a team of oncologists from a variety of specialties. As a result, Moffitt has been named a Screening Center of Excellence by the Lung Cancer Alliance. The designation lists Moffitt as one of 250 centers across the country that have agreed to follow specific protocols and core best practices to ensure the highest quality of screening and follow-up care.

“Moffitt gave me the information, support and tools I needed to beat cancer. Now, I’m an advocate for my friends who still smoke or are former smokers. The fear of the unknown was so much worse than dealing with the reality of my CT scan,” said Devine.  

The CMS decision is the last major piece in a long series of validations reaffirming the lifesaving benefits of lung cancer screening. Lung cancer screening was scientifically proved in 2010 by one of the largest randomized controlled trials in the history of the National Cancer Institute (NCI).  The NCI’s National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) confirmed that screening can reduce overall death from lung cancer, which is currently the No. 1 cancer killer in the United States.

Earlier this year, researchers at Moffitt analyzed survival rates of 635 lung cancer patients who underwent CT screens as part of the NLST study for the presence of suspicious lung nodules.  They found patients diagnosed with lung cancer who had at least one negative CT screen (i.e., no suspicious lung nodules were found) before cancer diagnosis had poorer survival compared to patients who had at least one positive screen before their lung cancer diagnosis. The results could make it possible to identify more aggressive lung cancers found during screening and determine the best treatment for patients. Recently, a multispecialty team of researchers and clinicians from Moffitt was awarded a $1.6 million grant from the state of Florida to expand and improve the cancer center’s lung cancer screening program.







分析利率和分布趋势的死亡,在美国,由于人类关注死亡,免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染(包括第3阶段 艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合症)。  编译的数据来自所有50个死亡证明 州和哥伦比亚特区的[原文链接]


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关键词:多点执业 总理报告内容:鼓励医生到基层多点执业,发展社会办医。 庄一强独家解读:鼓励医生到基层多点执业的提法非常好,但需要制度的全方位配套:医生从单位人变成[原文链接]





